Our Default Setting

Our Default Setting

Soooooo a few days after our New Year’s Eve show (when 2016 turned into 2017), I got a Twitter notification. Someone tagged us in a tweet. I go to check it out. It’s some random girl saying she went to our show and didn’t like us. I scoped out her...
Same and Different

Same and Different

I love this video. It shook me up. There are so many political things to argue about these days. People even argue when they actually agree…it’s just so hard to communicate on social media. I could say “I love dogs!” and some people might be...
Adult Learning

Adult Learning

When we were kids, we learned so much. And we loved it! Think of a little kid asking “why” repeatedly. (Why is the grass green? Why is the sky blue? Blah blah blah.) Kids learn every day. In class. At after-school activities. And at home! They can’t...
Holiday Mindfulness

Holiday Mindfulness

People are STRESSED this time of year. So much to do. And the people who don’t have a whole lot to do? They’re feeling lost and lonely. There are solutions out there. You just have to focus on them, instead of focusing on the obstacles. We all know that...
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