Who the heck is Leda?

Who the heck is Leda?

Who the heck is Leda? Here is how we got our name “Sweet Leda”: Back in the day, Jaime and I started dating. He thought I was so swell that he brought me over to his parents’ house (Don and Dorothy, stepdad and mom). Dinner with the fam was not...
Our Default Setting

Our Default Setting

Soooooo a few days after our New Year’s Eve show (when 2016 turned into 2017), I got a Twitter notification. Someone tagged us in a tweet. I go to check it out. It’s some random girl saying she went to our show and didn’t like us. I scoped out her...
Adult Learning

Adult Learning

When we were kids, we learned so much. And we loved it! Think of a little kid asking “why” repeatedly. (Why is the grass green? Why is the sky blue? Blah blah blah.) Kids learn every day. In class. At after-school activities. And at home! They can’t...
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