If you are on Facebook, you might have seen that some birds built a nest in our wreath a few months ago. They laid some eggs and we watched them hatch and grow, and eventually fly away. It was wild! For the first week, we’d see another tiny egg almost every day. Then came the waiting. Waiting. Waiting. But then! A hatch!! OMG a teeny tiny little bird! Wow they’re so adorably gross. It was an amazing and emotional experience! Each morning, Jaime would greet them, say a few words of encouragement, whistle, and take a few photos. It was really, really cute.
Q: Wait, hang on there, Julie. Why did you have a wreath on your door in the spring?
A: Great question, you! We don’t put up any holiday decorations in December because we’re busy, lazy, whatever you wanna call it. And putting that stuff away after the holidays is sooo sad. Well, our friends Jeff and Petra surprised us by hanging a beautiful wreath on our door one day. It was so sweet! I loved seeing it because it made me think of them and their kind gift. So I didn’t want to take it down. And thaaaaaat’s why we had a wreath on our door in the spring.
Ok so back to my story. We went to visit my family for Father’s Day this past weekend. All the dads received gifts. My mom had a gift for Jaime. She gave him a toy nest with a teeny bird inside. And here’s the best part–she wrote him a poem. It is the freakin sweetest thing ever. And it’s REALLY good! Here it is:
To Jaime
Very early this past spring
We went looking for a home.
We wanted to find a place
Where we wouldn’t be alone.
We spotted your Christmas wreath
As the two of us were flying.
“This could be the perfect spot,”
My wife commented, sighing.
We settled in very quickly.
We laid our eggs in the nest.
My wife did what was expected.
She sat on the eggs to rest.
You checked on our eggs
Almost everyday.
You even moved our home
To keep it from harm’s way.
Not too long after
Our five babies were born.
It was such a glorious day
On a beautiful spring morn.
Before very long
It was time to learn to fly.
Sadly, babies must leave
In order to survive.
Thank you for your home.
Thank you for your sharing.
Thank you for the pics you took.
Thank you for your caring.
We hope you will remember us.
We apologize for the poop.
It was truly wonderful
Living on your stoop.
So as we bid farewell
At this special time,
We will always think of you
As a loving dad of mine.
[Yep, we cried.]
Thank you Mom for this beautiful gift!