by Julie Cymek | Nov 15, 2018 | Julie's Corner
The holidays are coming. Whether we like them or not! Here are some tips on how to survive and stay healthy: We might as well try to find some things about the holidays that we enjoy, cuz we can’t fight the calendar. If you don’t enjoy anything about the...
by Julie Cymek | Oct 4, 2018 | Julie's Corner
I love vegetables. Everyone knows I love vegetables. (Oh, you didn’t know? I love them!! I’m a health/nutrition coach, in fact.) I love talking to other people who love vegetables. I could talk about them for days! Their beautiful colors, their...
by Julie Cymek | Sep 21, 2018 | Julie's Corner
“He/she was sexually assaulted years ago? Why the heck didn’t they report it?!” [This is NOT a blog about Kavanaugh. I had these thoughts months ago, before I knew the guy existed.] Are you honestly wondering why people don’t report abuse? Or are you judging? If...
by Julie Cymek | Jun 29, 2018 | Julie's Corner
I had my weekly band email all ready to send and then yesterday, the Annapolis shooting happened. I was glued to Facebook for an hour or so, and saw over 100 FB friends mark themselves safe. People commenting and asking “have you heard from so and so?”...
by Julie Cymek | Jun 19, 2018 | Julie's Corner
If you are on Facebook, you might have seen that some birds built a nest in our wreath a few months ago. They laid some eggs and we watched them hatch and grow, and eventually fly away. It was wild! For the first week, we’d see another tiny egg almost every day....